Women - News & Results
2nd Birdie Birdie 452 pts
3rd Eileens All Stars 430 pts
Individual Winners
1st P. Gingles 87 Pts
2nd Maura Mc Creesh 81 Pts
3rd Kathleen Mallon 81 Pts
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- Category: Women - News & Results
2nd P. McCrory 38
3rd S. Ashe 38
Cat A E. Brady 35
Cat B H. Johnston 33
Cat C M. McCreesh 34
Cat D E. Grimes 35
18 Hole Par Lady A. Kellett 33
9 Hole E. Mawhinney 19
G. Rafferty @14th
E. Brady @1st
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- Category: Women - News & Results
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Beautiful spring flowers for all the "In Form Ladies" who returned great scores during Thursday's 12 hole Stableford competition. Tereasa McVeigh led the way with a fabulous 32 points over 12 holes.
Full results as follows:
!st Teresa McVeigh 32pts
2nd Maud Black 25pts
3rd Paula McCrory 25pts beating Lady Captain on the count back.
Cat A June Humphries LC 25pts
Cat B Collette McAleavey 25 pts
Cat C Brenda Grant 25pts
Cat D Elish Grimes 22pts
Par Lady - Barbara Hamilton 23pts
Eagle for T McVeigh at the 18th Hole ..........
Birdies Frances Davidson, Ellen Brady and June Humphries @ 2nd
Paula McCrory @ 7th
Carolyn McCall @ 15th
Teresa McVeigh @ 2nd
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Fun competition Lady Captain v Lady Vice Captain
LC won 12 matches to LVC 7 9 Half matches recorded
Closing date for Hirsch Cup entry is 14th March - all ladies encouraged to put your name in the draw and get involved… good way to get in the mood for team and match play this year. Draw will take place on Thursday 18th March evening.- Details
- Category: Women - News & Results
Senior Cup
Scratch +
Mrs E Steenson
Junior Cup
Mrs Bernie Rice
Intermediate Cup
Mrs Sheila Hughes
Minor Cup
Mrs Grace McGowan
Challenge Cup
Mrs Gretta Forster
Senior Foursomes
Scratch – 16
Mrs B Hamilton
Junior Foursomes
Mrs B Jenkins
19-46 Combined
Mrs E Fitzsimmons
Mrs S McRory
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Ladies New Years Day Competition: 32 ladies played
Played over 7 holes (3 & 4th out of commission)
Elizabeth Mawhinney
Moya Brady
Valerie Gordon
Gail Steed also 15pts beaten on the countback for 3rd place.
G Stead at the 5th
L Megaw at the 7th
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- Category: Women - News & Results
Marie Curie Stableford sponsored by Rice's Supermarket
1st P Vallely 43pts, 2nd E Steenson 34pts, 3rd D Carolan 34pts
Gross P McCrory 24 gross pts,
Cat A G Poole 33pts, Cat B D murphy 33pts, Cat C V Ellingham 34pts, Cat D K Mallon 30pts
Back 9 F Davidson 18pts, Front 9 I Lutton 19pts
Par Lady S Hughes 31pts
CSS 73 Reduction only P Vallely cut 22-19
Birdies P Vallely 18th B O'Doherty 7th
ARMAGHDALE OPEN - sponsored by Gerard Davidson Business Account Services
Winner C Devlin ( Dungannon ) 66 net
2nd M McCreesh 68 net, 3rd E Clarke 69 net, 4th N Donnelly 70 net, 5th V Gordon 71 net
Gross E Brady 78 gross Back 9 M Hodgett (Banbridge) 35 net, Front 9 C McAleavey 32.5 net
Cat A B Gartland 74 net, Cat B R Calvert 73 net, Cat C T Corrigan 73 net, Cat D R Grimley 70 net
Visitors Prize - S Rafferty (Dungannon)
CSS Members 73 Visitors (reduction on;y) 73
2's A Haycock, T Teague, A McBurney, E Clarke, K Edgar, E Mawhinney, J Hughes, V Gordon
Birdies E Connolly 1st & 6th, P McCrory 1st, C McCall 1st, S Rafferty 8th, N McCone 17th
September Medal sponsored by Oliver's Fruit and Flowers
1st E Brady 70 net, 2nd B Hamilton 71 net, 3rd E Mawhinney 71 net
Cat A G Rafferty 72 net, Cat B S Hughes 75 net, Cat C P Gingles 72 net, Cat D P Hughes 76 net
Par Lady B Jenkins 76 net
CSS 70
Birdies F Davidson, P Gingles J Humphries 7th, B Hamilton 2nd, H Johnston 6th, G Rafferty 13th, E Brady 12th
Club Stableford 10th September sponsored by FAB Beauty Salon
1st A Black 41pts, 2nd B Hamilton 39pts, 3rd G Rafferty 38pts,
Cat A G Poole 38pts, Cat B F McCall 34 pts, Cat C G Steed 32 pts, Cat D M Majoram 32pts.
Par Lady C McAleavey 34pts
Front 9 E Brady 20pts, Back 9 C McKinney 20 pts
Birdies E Brady B Gartland 2nd, B Jenkins 7th, B Hamilton 12th
- Details
- Category: Women - News & Results