The Eileen Steenson Memorial Bowl stableford qualifier, sponsored by Carey Glass, was held at Co Armagh on Thursday 30 March 2023. For those who had played early and cleared the course by 4.00 pm it was a pleasant day, however, those who played in the later stages of the day were not so fortunate.

In stark contrast to March 2022, when we basked in 90% more sunshine than average for the month and with little rainfall, March 2023 was the wettest March for at least 185 years. As a result, the course was still not fully operational, with the competition played over 12 holes.

Lady Captain Lily McMullan invited Teresa Corrigan, representing her son Philip of Carey Glass as sponsor for the competition, to present the prizes.

The 9 hole competition was won by Gemma Rice with 16 pts.

In the 12 hole competition Maggie McKee came out on top with 27 pts, Flo McCall was second with 25 pts and Rene Calvert third with 24 pts.

The remaining prize winners were:

Cat A       Paula McCrory      24 pts

Cat B       Bernie McBride    24 pts

Cat C       Sheila Stinson        20 pts

Cat D       Maggie Clarke       24 pts

There were birdies for Carina Oliver and Julie McCartan at the 16th.

The top sixteen who have qualified for the Eileen Steenson Memorial Bowl match play competition are:

Maggie McKee, Flo McCall, Rene Calvert, Paula McCrory, Bernie McBride, Maggie Clarke, Gail Steed, Lorraine Megaw, Moya Brady, Eileen Fitzsimons, Valerie Gordon, Gladys Villiers, Michelle Kinane, Vera Ellingham, Marie Tennyson and Teresa McVeigh

Teresa Corrigan thanked Lady Captain Lily for the invitation to prize-giving and congratulated all the prize-winners.

Back L-R: Gemma Rice, Sheila Stinson and Maggie Clarke
Front L-R: Paula McCrory, Teresa Corrigan, representing Carey Glass and Flo McCall

Eileen Steenson